Blending Materials and Ideas
Wood, as a medium for expression, competes with the voice of the artist for the attention and recognition of the audience. The wood itself: grain, colour, texture, and weight, strives to subjugate the artist’s will to force form, decoration, and function–or lack of it–upon and into the artifact. I enjoy this friendly confrontation with my material. I resolve the dichotomy by design: cajoling and manipulating the wood to exhibit its conflicts while expressing my thoughts.
Functional Woodturning
I make salad bowls, pepper and salt mills, mortar and pestle sets, bottle stoppers, and more. All combine easy functionality with thoughtful design that seeks to blend beauty, ergonomics, and intent for use with long life and enduring pleasure.
Architectural Turning and Furniture Parts
Turning a post or column, researching vintage techniques and recreating historically accurate reproductions, or designing and making new elements, bring me the pleasures of technical challenge, intellectual stimulation, and satisfying craftwork.
To master any craft, a firm understanding of its basis must be gained. With this foundation, anyone, from beginner to expert, can grow because they can analyze as they progress, advancing knowledge and ability together. I like to teach. Sharing knowledge and skill is a pleasurable responsibility that I consider a duty as a craftsperson.